Lucy joined us in May 2022 and supports the sales and marketing organisation of the UK and Ireland business. She’s a positive people person and will always help – whether that’s customers or colleagues. Lucy thrives on the variety of the role and says she loves the continual learning that comes with the job.

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Lucy Rankin

How many years have you worked in the industry/done a similar role?

Since May 2022

What experience have you gained prior to starting at Envu?

Before joining Envu I worked as an office manager in a primary school for the last 5 years. Before that, I spent 10 years working in the supply chain for a multinational furniture company in Switzerland.

How long have you worked at Envu? (and what roles have you had, if you've had more than one role).

I started in May 2022 as a commercial support assistant

Tell us a bit about your current role and what you do at Envu.

I support the sales and marketing organisation of the UK and Ireland business.

What is your biggest achievement since working at Envu?

I am happy with how I have integrated with the team and faced the challenge of supporting the people and business in creating new ways of working since the divestment in October 2022.

What is your favourite thing about your role and working at Envu?

Every day is different, and I am constantly learning.

What can customers expect from you?

I am always happy to assist with any queries and will do my best to help or find someone who can.

Favourite Food?

I love all food, as long as it doesn't contain raisins!

What three things would you bring if you were stranded on a desert island?

My children, my dogs and my husband!

Your three dream dinner guests (dead or alive)?

Queen Elizabeth II, Marie Curie and JK Rowling