
Dynamic IPM - The Green Light for Sustainable Rodent Control

Pest Control Officers (PCOs) must adopt more sustainable approaches to pest management. Control methods that minimise risks to health and the environment, while also showing economic benefits are coming to the fore, with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) set to become the most effective part of the pest management tool kit.

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Dynamic IPM

IPM uses smarter and more effective rodent control strategies that minimise infestations before they take hold, using a combination of monitoring, treatment and prevention. Central to this approach is the need for PCOs to apply their understanding of the biology and habits of pest species, focusing on control and prevention rather than the deployment of chemical eradication once an infestation has occurred.

IPM strategies rely on PCOs working closely with premises managers and staff to encourage a culture change that leads to the proactive use of biological and physical actions that can prevent infestations from taking hold. Attention to good practices will make premises less attractive to pests while ensuring chemical tools are only used in the lowest possible concentrations and the most targeted method possible.

 Paul Fisher, Head of Sales for Envu UK and Ireland explains:  

“Effective communication between customers and service providers is crucial for achieving Dynamic IPM and is essential at every stage of the process to achieve the following…

Accurate Problem Assessment: Helping customers accurately describe the pest issues they're facing, enabling service providers to understand the extent and nature of the problem. This ensures that appropriate pest management strategies are implemented.

Tailored Solutions: Service providers can gather essential information about the environment, the type of pests, and the customer's preferences. This enables them to tailor pest management solutions that are specific to the customer's needs and the unique characteristics of the site.

Collaborative Approach: By fostering a collaborative relationship customers can share their concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback, while service providers can offer insights, advice, and regular updates on pest management activities.

Optimal Resource Allocation: Clear communication allows service providers to allocate resources efficiently, focusing on areas of concern, prioritizing treatments, and avoiding unnecessary treatments in non-affected areas.

Monitoring and Feedback: With effective communication, customers can report changes in pest activity, and service providers can adjust their strategies accordingly. This iterative process is essential for the dynamic aspect of IPM.

Preventive Measures: Customers understanding preventive measures helps reduce the risk of future pest infestations. With communication, service providers can educate customers about sanitation practices and structural modifications that discourage pests.

Risk Mitigation: Customers can inform service providers about any specific sensitivities, allergies, or health concerns, ensuring that pest management methods used are safe for occupants and pets.

Evaluation and Improvement: Clear communication allows both parties to assess the effectiveness of pest management efforts over time. If certain methods are not yielding the desired results, adjustments can be made based on the insights shared.

In essence, effective communication between the pest management professional and the customer fosters a cooperative and informed approach to pest management. This, in turn, contributes to the success of DIPM by tailoring strategies, minimizing risks, and promoting ongoing improvement.”

Education is needed in the sector and among premises managers to understand the proactive measures that support the IPM approach. The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) offers training for staff to help businesses make practical changes to support IPM. Adopting simple measures like cleaning, proofing and ensuring all employees adopt behaviours and practices that make premises less attractive to pests, can all help prevent rodent infestations from taking hold, negating the need for chemical interventions.

For premises wanting to adopt the IPM approach, Envu offers a Dynamic IPM solution (DIPM) that uses a combination of Harmonix® Monitoring and Harmonix® Rodent Control Paste ensuring effective and sustainable rodent control across all domestic, business and commercial premises. Harmonix® Monitoring and Harmonix® Rodent Control Paste contain a similar bait matrix therefore when an infestation is detected, PCOs can quickly replace Harmonix® Monitoring with Harmonix® Rodent Control Paste for swift and effective action. Once the infestation is eliminated PCOs can revert to ongoing monitoring with Harmonix® Monitoring.

DIPM solutions take a long term nature of IPM one step further, placing importance on modifying the pest management programme as the situation and pests change – it’s the smart and sustainable approach.