R&D Leadership Insights: Effective Strategies for Grain Store Pest Control

We talk to Dr Stefan Endepols, (Envu Biologist, Rodent Management and SPP), about protecting grain and what the future holds for insecticide treatment.

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Protecting precious grain in storage is the culmination of a season’s work, ensuring that valuable harvests remain in peak condition ready for sale. Unfortunately, grain storage is fraught with difficulties for farmers and Pest Control Officers (PCOs) alike, as a range of resilient pests can lie in wait ready to sap potential profit by spoiling grain.

Enter the vital work done by specialist scientists like Envu’s Biologist and grain protection expert Dr Stefan Endepols, who’s life’s work in research and development (R&D) has centred around tackling troublesome grain store pests.

Stefan’s career has always involved the detailed study of pests, beginning with his Masters study at university right through to his role at Envu today. Based at Envu’s laboratories in Germany, Stefan’s work is focused on the constant R&D of grain store protection products to meet both immediate challenges and farmers’ future needs.

“We’re continually testing for effectivity and resistance management while innovating new ideas in the field of pest protection,” Stefan explains. “I have been lucky that my whole career has been focused on stored grain pests, from rodents to insects; working in positions to further research, testing, development and expertise in the field.”

“My focus is working on the global development of stored grain products, including products like K-Obiol™.”


K-Obiol™ the product of choice for grain store pest management

K-Obiol™ is a modern liquid pyrethroid formulation containing deltamethrin, synergised with piperonyl butoxide for the control of a wide variety of stored product insects known to infest grain and pulses. This pyrethroid formulation is an ideal alternative to organophosphate formulations.

With unrivalled efficacy against the most common insect pests, K-Obiol™ is the product of choice both for the treatment of storage facilities and as an admixture (i.e. applied to the grain as it enters the store) for longer term storage.

Stefan explains why K-Obiol™ is the number one choice. “Without a doubt the active ingredient deltamethrin, utilised in K-Obiol™, is the most effective compound for tackling stored grain insects,” he says. “With many compounds now withdrawn from use, it’s the only compound that remains for grain, which says a lot for the reliable nature of deltamethrin.

“Deltamethrin tackles a wide range of target species and is effective against all stored grain pests.”


Preparation of grain stores key to prevent infestations

Despite the continuous work in R&D to provide pesticides to control grain store pests, Stefan emphasises that the role of farmers, growers and PCOs is also vital in the fight against infestations.

“While grain management and stored grain is generally good in the UK, I cannot overemphasise the importance of preparation in grain stores. Keeping them cleaned and well-constructed is key,” he says.

Our Grain Protectant Guidebook gives farmers and PCOs all the information needed to protect stored harvests. Containing decision tools and information on Integrated Pest Management (IPM), as well as guides on identifying key pests and using insecticide treatment, it’s a free and comprehensive resource for Pest Control Operatives (PCOs), farmers and growers. 

“Prevention is always better,” says Stefan. “Early detection is key, as swift treatments have a much better chance of success. Once infestations are established, they are much more difficult to control.”


Effective results only come with careful application

“As R&D scientists we know that efficacy can be limited by the things we can’t control,” says Stefan. “We cannot influence the quality of the grain to be treated, for example. The wetter the grain the more difficult it is to protect. This is a particular problem in the UK, where there is generally more rain and higher humidity.”

Any insecticide product is only as good as its application and Stefan emphasises that carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions is vital for success.

“For best results we must make the active ingredient the most effective by giving it an equal distribution throughout the formulation,” he says. “The aim is to achieve a homogenous flow of grain and droplets as K-Obiol is applied.

“Accurate application techniques are crucial. During treatments we have to prevent detoxification, and keep the molecule stable. As the synergist, piperonyl butoxide, is oily and the active ingredient, deltamethrin, is crystalline – keeping them mixed so the active ingredient is equally distributed throughout the solution is essential.

“When mixed according to instructions, we can guarantee a stable compound; but once on-site, the efficacy of the product is at the mercy of the user. Product should be diluted to the instructions, and the solution applied according to the directions, preferably within the first few hours for best results.

“Dust is also a problem for application. The solution will stick to grains of dust more easily than sticking to the grain; therefore, a clean, dust free store is essential before any treatment is applied.”


Minimising the problem of resistance in target species

Poor application of insecticides is not only an obstruction for their overall efficacy, but it can also contribute to the problem of resistance, as Stefan explains.

“Resistance in some species can be exacerbated by poor insecticide application,” he says. “Low level exposure from poor application can gradually reduce the susceptibility in the target species. This means the organism will be able to metabolise the toxin quicker, reducing its overall effectiveness and preventing eradication.”


The future of grain store protection?

The work of R&D scientists like Stefan is crucial if we are to protect our sources of food for the future, by developing products that meet farmers’ needs in the changing landscape of climate change.

 “We continuously observe our recipes and constantly work to improve them,” says Stefan. “We are prepared to adapt products to changing needs and we continually run tests and make alterations where needed.”

For the future, Stefan is confident that K-Obiol™ will remain at the forefront of grain store pest control.

“Despite regulatory challenges, deltamethrin is likely to remain the product of choice and I am optimistic about its use in K-Obiol for at least the next 5-10 years.” This together with the fact that “Envu is committed to investment in R&D and to the future of K-Obiol™,” provides a pathway of assurance to farmers and growers for the years to come.


About K-Obiol™

There are two K-Obiol™ products available from Envu - K-Obiol™ EC25 and K-Obiol™ ULV6 - both provide preventative and curative protection against stored grain insects and can be used as admixture treatments post-harvest, offering up to 12 months protection.

K-Obiol™ is accepted for use by Brewing Research International (BRI), the National Association of British and Irish Millers (NABIM) and the Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops (TASCC).

Grain Protection

A testimony on how K-Obiol can solve your problem of insect infestation

KObiol-Ec250-envu-800x800 Insecticide

K-Obiol EC25

K-Obiol EC25 is a liquid grain protectant for control of...

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