
Envu: One Team, One Dream, One Year Old

It’s one year since Envu was established and what an eventful year it has been. We have flourished across our 31 regions globally and continue to build on our strengths and expertise within the environmental science sector. Closer to home in the UK, Ireland and the Nordics, our team has been growing from strength-to-strength, and it’s our people, our customers and partners who have all contributed to our first successful year.

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Envu 1st Birthday

As with the launch of any new business or venture, the journey comes with its challenges, from IT irritations to procedural teething pains, often the glitches take time and patience to resolve. At Envu we had the added complexity that one day we were operating as one corporate entity, and the next we were in a brave, new world starting fresh. Looking back on this transition, Alan Morris, Envu’s Head of Northern Europe and MD for the UK reflects, “It has not been an easy journey to detach our global activity away from Bayer where we have been connected for the last 50 years, but as a team we have overcome so many hurdles together while maintaining a healthy business and strong team spirit.”

A sentiment echoed by Tim Peeling, Head of Marketing for the UK who looks back with the view that, “The last year has been challenging but very rewarding, the highlight for me is the way the whole team has risen to the challenge and we’ve overcome them together - it’s really been a team achievement. We’ve now created a stand-alone organisation that is 100% focused on the environmental science sector. Now we’ve become a focused organisation, committed to bringing new solutions for our customers.”

This is a commitment that has already been demonstrated within our first year, by two pivotal product launches encapsulated by Alan, “We have already seen early signs of our innovation by launching the first ever registered Biological fungicide for our golf course turf managers and TruDetx, a scientifically proven bed bug detection kit for our pest management customers.”

Appearance of the first and only registered turf bio-control fungicide in the UK & Ireland came through our launch of Harmonix Turf Defense.  A broad-spectrum fungicide, proven to reduce the need for chemical products.  By working with partners and customers, we strive to change attitudes and work together for more sustainable golf courses. 

We’ve been innovating within other key areas of our business, and that includes the pest management sector, more specifically bed bug control.  Rentokil suggests that the UK is facing a significant rise in bed bug infestations, reporting an alarming 65% increase year-on-year from 2022 (Q2) to 2023 (Q2).  We anticipate that our recently launched, TruDetx bed bug detection tool will revolutionise detection.  Scientifically developed, to detect even low-level infestations with over 90% accuracy, it’s already proving a discreet and reliable tool in many PCO’s armoury.

Game-changing innovation aside, what does the future hold for Envu beyond year one? 

Alan concludes, “We will build on our strong legacy platform of innovation while expanding this further afield in acquisitions, licensing agreements, and co-developments - all while enhancing these offerings with technology.”  What this does mean, is more support and solutions for our Envu customers around the world in year two and beyond.