World Youth Skills Day

Exploring a Career in Pest Control: An Exciting Path for Young Professionals

In our World Youth Skills Day blog, we will consider pest control and careers within the sector, shedding light on opportunities, the skills required, and potential career paths. We also hear from members of the Pest Solutions team and what they enjoy about the industry.

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As young people navigate the vast array of career choices available, they often consider various industries and sectors. One field that often goes unnoticed by young people is pest control. However, this industry presents an array of opportunities for those looking for an exciting and fulfilling career.

The Importance of Pest Control

Pests are more than just a nuisance. They can cause extensive damage to homes, crops, and public health. By preventing, managing, and eradicating pest infestations, pest control professionals are contributing to the well-being of communities, protecting public health, and safeguarding the environment.


What are the Key Skills for Jobs in Pest Control

Above all a career in pest control requires an open mind, the drive to succeed and a passion for problem solving. While specific requirements may vary depending on the role, here are some key skills to consider:

  • An interest in pest biology: Understanding the behaviour, biology, and habitats of different pests is essential for effective pest control. 
  • Problem solving abilities: Pest control professionals must possess excellent problem solving skills. Identifying the root causes of infestations and developing innovative solutions requires analytical thinking and adaptability.
  • Communication skills: Clear communication is vital when interacting with clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Being able to explain pest control processes, offer guidance, and address concerns professionally is crucial for success in this field.Attention to detail: Paying attention to even the smallest details can make a significant difference in pest control operations. Spotting signs of infestations, implementing preventive measures, adhering to product guidance, and ensuring the thoroughness of treatments are essential aspects of the job.
  • Attention to detail: Become proficient in the detail needed for effective pest control. Spot signs of infestations, implement solutions, adhere to product guidance, and ensure the precision of treatment.

“Pest management offers a unique and fulfilling career opportunity. Pest control combines problem-solving skills, customer service, and the satisfaction of helping individuals and businesses maintain healthy and pest-free environments.” Karen Dawes, BPCA Training and Professional Development Manager


Pest Control Qualifications

The BPCA Foundation Certificate in Pest Management is for new pest control technicians and provides valuable insight into pest management. This foundation certification forms part of the BPCA training pathway and is designed to suit all learning styles enabling professionals to grow and develop. 

The recognised industry standard qualification to work as a pest control technician is the RSPH Level 2 Award in Pest Management.


Pest Control Careers

Whether you prefer working outdoors, conducting research, or interacting with customers, there is a position that can match your preferences. Whether your choice is to become a pest control technician, surveyor, technical manager or field biologists, career progression can lead to consultant positions or owning a pest control business.  

Specialist positions in bird management, bed bug control, fumigation and wildlife management are also available with specific knowledge and training. 


What's it Like Working in Pest Control?

Speaking to two young pest professionals we find out more about what’s needed and why they enjoy the industry…

Rhae Lobban – BSc hons Wildlife & Conservation Management (27 years old) Graduate Service Technician – (Training for RSPH Level 2 Award Exam in September 2023) 

Rhae Lobban - World Youth Skills Day

What is the most exciting thing about your job?

The variety. No two days are the same. It's very investigative, which I find very exciting.  You have to pay close attention to the facts, and what customers say and consider all environmental factors, which often hold the key to the problems our customers face.

What is the best career advice you have been given?

That it is really important to have empathy and be able to read your customer. Self-confidence really helps. Making sure that the customer knows that you are the pest professional, and that you are going to help deliver the solution to their problem helps. Also, keep on learning and engaging in training.

Interesting fact about yourself?

I listen to a lot of metal music and love going to gigs with friends. I like juggling and slacklining.  Slacklining is like tightrope walking, but easier.  I'm probably outside right now, wildlife watching, walking, or gardening.  I grow fruit, veg and pollinator plants.  I have a keen interest in biodiversity and soil science which go hand in hand.  I am also a bit of a fungi fanatic & enjoy most outdoorsy activities.


William Trivett– BSc hons Zoology (27 years old) Graduate Service Technician – Certificated Advanced Technician (Training for Certificated Field Biologist Exam in February 2024) (Serves on BPCA Bee Wise Special Interest Group)

William Trivett World Youth Skills Day

What advice would you give to young people coming into the industry?

Pest management isn't all doom and gloom, it can be a very engaging, interesting and rewarding career if you give it your all. I have been in pest management for almost 3 years and have seen so much change occur in such a relatively short time. This makes it a very exciting time to be in this industry.

What is the best career advice you have been given?

Find a career role you can enjoy, and that keeps you engaged. As a Zoology Graduate, I found this in pest management as I had an interest in animal biology & behaviour and entomology. These interests have been encouraged in this industry and have made for a passionate career choice. I believe this will continue to be true as I progress in this industry.

Interesting fact about yourself?

I am a beekeeper in my spare time and have been for a few years now. Throughout my time in the pest management industry, I have done lots of work in Bee conservation and education.


A career in pest control can be an exciting and rewarding choice for young professionals. It offers a range of opportunities, the chance to make a positive impact, and the potential for growth and advancement. For further information visit