
Helping Hoteliers in the Fight Against Bed Bugs

Bed bugs seem to be everywhere; all over the news, and unfortunately also in many beds. As numbers reach epidemic proportions, they are a real bugbear for hoteliers, sapping both business reputation, manhours and profit.

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Estimates suggest bed bug activity can often go unnoticed, particularly in the initial phases, allowing numbers to multiply quickly before hoteliers realise, they have a serious problem, as Paul Fisher, Head of Sales, Envu UK and Ireland explains.

“Studies and pest control experts often note that a staggering number (some estimate up to 70-80%) of bed bug infestations go undetected by untrained individuals because these pests can remain hidden (behind skirting boards, light sockets, floorboards, inside furniture, and behind headboards, to name a few), and their bites may not be immediately visible or cause noticeable reactions in all people.”


Early Detection Vital to Control Bed Bugs

Early detection is vital so action can be taken to eradicate bed bugs before numbers get out of control. 

Paul says, “as a hotel owner, ensuring the early identification of bed bugs is pivotal to your establishment's success and reputation. Here's why it's crucial:

  1. Guest Satisfaction: Swift identification and eradication mean happy, bite-free guests who are more likely to return and leave positive reviews.
  2. Cost-Effective: Detecting bed bugs at an early stage is more budget-friendly, avoiding expensive treatments and potential compensation.
  3. Minimal Disruption: Act before the infestation spreads, reducing the need to close rooms and inconvenience guests.
  4. Legal Compliance: There’s a responsibility to provide a safe and hygienic environment. Early detection helps meet regulatory requirements.
  5. Reputation Management: Protect your hotel's reputation; proactively addressing bed bugs preserves trust and avoids negative publicity.”

Being about the size of an apple seed, nocturnal and having a remarkable ability to hide in crevices, bed bugs can be hard to spot which is why the pests are so easily missed. “Consequently, by the time they are discovered, infestations may have already grown significantly, leading to more extensive treatments and challenges in eradication,” explains Paul.


How to Detect Bed Bugs

Regular visual inspections are the first sign of defence in the fight against bed bugs. Inspections can be carried out by professional pest management services.

Paul explains what to look out for. “Regular inspections, especially in areas prone to infestations, and vigilance in identifying potential signs of bed bugs, such as shed skins, tiny bloodstains, or dark faecal spots, are crucial in catching infestations early. Professional pest management services can assist in the early detection and effective treatment of bed bug problems, helping you to avoid lost revenue and damage to your reputation.”

Early detection has now been made even easier and more accurate thanks to our new rapid test for bed bugs called TruDetx™.

TruDetx™ is the first rapid test for the presence of bed bugs. The test works just like a COVID test with an environmental swab used to take samples of areas where bed bugs are likely to hide. A result to tell if bed bugs are present is available in minutes. TruDetx™ is a much quicker and more accurate way of detecting bed bugs and boasts an accuracy rate of over 90%.


Treatment Options for Bed Bugs

When bed bugs are discovered, it is crucial to contact a professional pest control company. Experts agree, that attempting to treat bed bug infestations without professional help is often ineffective and can contribute to the development of resistance to solutions that are currently available.

Paul says there are a range of treatment options available once it has been confirmed that bed bugs are present.  The options include “chemical Intervention (insecticide in combination with non-pesticide products), heat treatment (to isolated rooms or large structural areas) and isolation and removal/disposal of items which are heavily infested, including laundering at high temperature of fabric materials.”

Once the situation is under control it is recommended that housekeeping teams are trained in pest awareness to help early identification of any future problems.

“Remember, early detection is not just a safeguard for your guests but also for your business's success. Prioritise regular inspections to keep your hotel pest-free and protect your reputation from negative social media feedback! 

Consult with your professional pest manager to understand how best to protect your business against bed bug infestations,” Paul concludes.


For further information about the TruDetx™ Rapid Test please watch the informative video below:

TruDetx test
TruDetx™ Bed Bug Rapid Test
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