
Making life easier and more profitable for pest controllers

New Harmonix Rodent Paste helps PCOs in tricky situations. Hear from Lewis Clarke and his experience using it.

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Lewis Clarke LRC

When a new rodenticide was spoken about at a BPCA meeting, Lewis Clarke, from the Suffolk based LRC Environmental, jumped at the chance to be one of the first PCO’s to start using it. And, he’s not alone! Sales have proven extremely successful as technicians hear more about the benefits of switching to Envu Environmental Science’s Harmonix Rodent Paste.

We spoke to Lewis to find out more about his use of Harmonix Rodent Paste and the successes he’s had so far.

Lewis has worked in pest control for nearly 10 years. He started at the age of 17, as one of Rentokil’s youngest technicians and now works for LRC Environmental, working for residential clients and sub-contracting for multinational and local pest control suppliers.

It’s fair to say that Lewis knows his stuff, even coming runner up for the BPCA’s Young Technician of the Year Award. He’s passionate about pest control and also about looking for better solutions to dealing with pest problems - making things safer, more cost effective and sustainable.

At a regional BPCA meeting in Peterborough, Technical Manager Richard Moseley shared details of the product and it caught Lewis’ attention.

Lewis says, “I started using Harmonix Rodent Paste in February, when I realised its potential as a rodenticide but also its ability to front our environmentally friendly image at LRC Environmental.”

Harmonix Rodent Paste uses the active ingredient cholecalciferol to manage complex rodent infestations, whilst reducing the risks associated with rodenticide use including secondary poisoning. This responsible approach allows it to be used in multiple situations including open areas, waste dumps and rat burrows. 

Lewis adds, “I think with it being a new bait to the market which is only for professional use, it gives us a great selling point for the client. It’s something that they can’t just get their hands on in the local DIY store.

“With the added benefit of it having little to no known resistance, it makes it a great product to have in our arsenal.”

Lewis is right. Harmonix Rodent Paste has no known resistance, so it’s the perfect option for persistent rodent infestations, especially when it is combined with the non-toxic version – Harmonix Monitoring Paste to increase palatability, within an Integrated Pest Management approach.

“I think the two products work great hand in hand - ensuring uptake is achieved before placing a toxic bait down. It also means that the area is kept safe between contract monthly visits,” says Lewis.

I carry out pest control in a variety of settings from wildlife parks, agriculture, right through to built-up industrial areas providing me with a range of environmental issues that I need to be aware of before carrying out any toxic work.

Since having this product in the van, I find myself using it more and more, especially in my wildlife parks for rats and residential homes where mouse activity is present.

“In one situation, we had full palatability for both mice and rats within two weeks, after introducing new boxes with the non-toxic paste bait. This has now been switched over to the toxic bait, with regular follow ups to monitor uptake.”

Harmonix Rodent Paste has a stop feeding effect, which means that after only a few days of baiting the rodent consumes a lethal dose and stops feeding. This means PCO’s will use up to 50% less bait, minimising the amount of active ingredient entering the environment but also saving money.

Lewis concludes, “I’m hoping for quicker control compared to other baits on the market, therefore reducing time on site across the year for contract customers and ultimately improving my profit margins.”

We will continue to follow Lewis as he uses Harmonix Rodent Paste with his clients.

You can find out more of the benefits for PCO’s here.