Integrating bio-controls as part of a more sustainable future
The regulatory landscape around turfgrass chemistry is uncertain to say the least. Loss of active substances has been a hot topic for many years and continues to be one of the top challenges facing turf managers in the future. Whilst we cannot predict with any level of certainty what the future will look like, or the tools that will be available to combat turf disease, we can prepare now.
The future of turfgrass disease control will include many new technologies not yet available or developed. However, as of 2023, Envu are proud to bring the first bio-control fungicide to the UK. Harmonix® Turf Defense is a natural turf fungicide based on a unique strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (QST 713). The patented strain naturally produces vast amounts of bioactive compounds during production. These compounds have fungicidal activity through direct contact with plant pathogenic fungi. The bacteria also prime turf to naturally defend itself against disease by activating defence genes, as well as creating a biofilm around the roots.
Where does Harmonix® Turf Defense play a role in disease management?
Conventional fungicides have, and will continue to play, a major role in our integrated management for disease control. However, the withdrawal of active substances is driving the need to reduce our reliance on them, and the shift in attitudes to managing disease in a more sustainable way has led us to this point.After many years of dedicated research and development, we are now able to share this innovative solution with turf managers across the UK and many parts of Europe. When used as part of an effective integrated pest management (IPM) programme that incorporates good cultural practices and plant health, Harmonix® Turf Defense can significantly reduce the number of conventional fungicides required and increase overall disease prevention and turf health.
Let’s look at some research:
The following trial was conducted in the Autumn/Winter of 2022/2023, assessing disease incidence at the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI), Bingley.
Applying Harmonix® Turf Defense 21 days after an application of fungicide will allow fungicide application intervals to be extended to 35 days with no significant difference in disease control when compared to Fungicides applied every 28 days alone and with HTD in-between at 14 days.