
Renewed Commitment: Envu to Forge Ahead with Sustainable Turfgrass Innovation

The recent rejection of the European Union's proposed Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products (SUR; part of the green deal), has provided a reprieve for the turfgrass industry, eliminating the immediate pressure for a ban or reduction in pesticide use. As a manufacturer and innovator, Envu are deeply committed to sustainability in the turfgrass sector. We want to underscore that our longstanding investment in biologicals and other sustainable turf management solutions remains unwavering. The rejection of the Green Deal allows us the time needed to fortify our dedication to sustainable solutions for turfgrass disease/pest control, preparing for a future that is less dependent on conventional pesticides.

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Consistent Investment in Biological Solutions

Our commitment to biological solutions isn't a pivot—it's a foundation we've already built. For years, we've recognised the importance of eco-friendly, sustainable alternatives in turfgrass management. By investing in the field of biological controls, we have strived to provide effective solutions that minimise environmental impact while ensuring turf managers can maintain the health and aesthetics of green spaces. One such solution is Harmonix Turf Defense. Launched in 2023, Harmonix Turf Defense is the first and only biological fungicide for the control of disease in managed amenity turf based on a unique strain of the bacteria; Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.


Seizing the Opportunity for Preparation

The rejection of the SUR doesn't mark a pause but an opportunity to intensify our efforts. We understand the need to prepare for a future that may see reduced reliance on conventional pesticides or much stricter restrictions. This rejection serves as a call to action, prompting us to renew our pledge to invest in sustainable solutions that align with the evolving expectations of the turfgrass industry. As we continue to navigate this period of transition, we are steadfast in our commitment to developing and promoting sustainable alternatives. Our focus remains on providing turf managers with the tools and knowledge needed to embrace a more sustainable and environmentally responsible approach. 


Our Commitment to Research and Development

Our dedication to sustainability extends to ongoing research and development initiatives. By investing in innovative solutions, we aim to empower the turfgrass industry with effective alternatives that not only meet regulatory standards but also address the practical needs of maintaining high performance turfgrass. This commitment to continuous improvement ensures that our biological offerings remain at the forefront of sustainable practices.



The rejection of the sustainable use regulations has given us the opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to sustainability in turfgrass pest control and management. As a company deeply rooted in sustainable turf solutions, Envu pledge to intensify our efforts, invest in research and development, and prepare for a future where these solutions play an even more significant role. The rejection serves as a catalyst for innovation and renewal, positioning us to lead the industry toward a greener and more environmentally conscious future.