
Turf grass product development – behind the scenes with Envu UK

Have you ever wondered how turf fungicide products are developed?

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Bringing products to market is not as easy as you think. Before it reaches the end user it must undergo in depth processes to ensure its safety for both humans and the environment.

In our latest technical article, we speak with Envu’s Laboratory Head and Product Development Manager for Turf & Ornamentals, Viola Müller to find out more about product development and what we can expect to see in the future from Envu.

Viola Müller - turf grass product development blog

Your name and job title?

My name is Viola Müller, and I am Laboratory Head and Product Development Manager for Turf & Ornamentals at Envu.

Where are you based?

I work in our R&D Centre based in Monheim am Rhein, Germany.


Product Development at Envu

How long does it take to bring a new product, such as Harmonix Turf Defense to market?

It can take from 6 to 10 years, depending on the technology we base on.

What’s the R&D process for bringing a new biological product to the market?

First, we need to conduct small scale experiments to prove efficacy and turf health screening, followed by a minimum of two years of studies in the field.

Then, we must build the registration dossier which takes a minimum of 6 months, and then wait for 18 to 24 months to get the authorities’ feedback. When we finally obtain the registration certificate from the authorities, we can launch within 6 to 12 months and support our products in the markets. As you can see, we put a lot of effort and time into research and development to ensure the products we deliver are efficient, sustainable, and compliant with the regulation.

Regarding the launch of your new Harmonix Turf Defense product - how does the product work?

Harmonix Turf Defense is a multisite biological fungicide with an early curative treatment that directly impacts fungi diseases of turf. It works as a natural barrier for turf by protecting their roots, stimulating the plant immune system, and Harmonix Turf Defense also has a direct effect on plant pathogenic fungi. The product is controlling 60 % of the important turf diseases - dollar spot, microdochium patch and anthracnose. We also recommend application intervals and tank mixtures with Harmonix Turf Defense and small molecules, e.g., Exteris Stressgard, which performs with 90 % control of the mentioned turf diseases.

The certifications required to apply professional pesticides in the UK also apply to Harmonix Turf Defense, so a minimum of PA1 and PA6 for knapsack applications, and PA1 and PA2 for Self-Propelled, Mounted or Trailed, Horizontal Boom applications.

Providing greenkeepers with accurate and reliable information on the effectiveness of biological alternatives, so that they can make an informed decision when considering their use.

What qualifications do turf professionals/greenkeepers need to have to apply this product?

The certifications required to apply professional pesticides in the UK also apply to Harmonix Turf Defense, so a minimum of PA1 and PA6 for knapsack applications, and PA1 and PA2 for Self-Propelled, Mounted or Trailed, Horizontal Boom applications.

R&D & chemistry aside, what differences are there in the steps to bring a synthetic product to market vs a biological product?

Providing greenkeepers with accurate and reliable information on the effectiveness of biological alternatives, so that they can make an informed decision when considering their use.

What are your long term R&D plans for introducing further new products?

Our objective is to extend our product pipeline in the turf market with more biological products. Having a portfolio with biological products that can be combined to maximise their potential and thus help greenkeepers to achieve the healthiest turf is our highest priority.

And do you have any further interesting products in the pipeline for the UK Turf Industry in the near future?

Yes, we will continue to work intensively supporting greenkeepers with plant protection products in the future. Stay tuned.

How long do you think we will still have the current pesticide products for?

How long pesticides are still in the market depends on regulations and this is specific for each plant protection product as well as subject to regulation of authorities. Considering the current pressure and ban for certain substances, therefore we are focusing our efforts on developing a range of biological products that will be first, compliant with regulations, have a reduced impact on the environment, and then be as efficient as possible to protect turf.

Why are pesticide products so expensive?

Plant protection products are intensively studied for years before they can enter the turf market. These years of study are intense: the formulation is studied to the fullest and improved to the best. The efficacy levels, applications, rate, timing, environmental behaviour, toxicity studies, and a lot more diverse aspects need to be respected when developing products. This takes time, means, and resources and this is how we could explain the cost.

Our products must comply with all the relevant regulations, but we typically exceed those regulatory requirements to ensure the products meet future likely changes in the regulatory environment. Our products are studied and reviewed to the fullest to ensure they are safe for humans, wildlife, and the environment. Additionally, all plant species are different – meaning that products used in crops are not performing the same in turf, which means we need to adapt them to turf. This means that our products are turf specific formulations, matching perfectly and performing for turf health.

To find out more about our new product, Harmonix Turf Defense, the first in fungicide bio-control for turf, visit