New fungicide for Microdochium patch launched in Ireland

A new turf fungicide with both contact and systemic action has being launched in the Republic of Ireland. Dedicate® from Envu, gives greenkeepers an additional tool to tackle multiple diseases, including the commonly occurring Microdochium patch as well as anthracnose.

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Dedicate® is an aqueous suspension concentrate containing 200 g/L tebuconazole and 100 g/L trifloxystrobin, with a maximum dose rate of one litre/hectare, over a maximum of four treatments per year. 

Dedicate® can be applied all year round, to managed amenity sites including golf courses, sports turf and ornamental turf. It forms an ideal part of an integrated disease management programme and can easily be fitted into an existing management plan. 

According to Greg Collins from the Envu Turf Solutions Team, the new fungicide will provide greenkeepers and turf managers with a greater number of treatments to rotate, which will help in the battle against disease resistance.  

As Dedicate® has more than one active ingredient, the likelihood of resistance is reduced. “If you use a product with a combination of active ingredients from different chemical groups, such as Dedicate®, there’s a double-pronged effect in tackling the disease threat. So, if the disease became resistant to one active, the second active could still combat the disease, therefore preventing the spread of a resistant pathogen,” explains Greg. 

The label specifies that Dedicate® can be used to treat the following diseases: Fusarium Patch (Microdochium nivale), Red Thread (Laetisaria fuciformis), Anthracnose (Colletotrichum cereale), Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa), Leafspot (Drechslera spp.) and Rust (Puccinia spp.) in amenity turf.

Dedicate® can be purchased from Envu’s Irish distributors, CropCare and Unichem Ltd. For more information about the product please contact the Turf Solutions team on 00800 1214 9451 or .